Every two years Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) must submit its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC). The plan is a 20-year forecast outlining how IPL will provide reliable electricity to its customers. Prior to filing the most recent IRP on October 31, 2014, IPL hosted three public advisory meetings so that interested parties could participate in the IRP process. The materials from those meetings are available below. IPL's next IRP will be filed on or around Oct. 31, 2016.
PL held three stakeholder meetings in 2014 prior to filing its recent IRP and anticipates conducting similar meetings in 2016 in preparation for its next filing.
Meeting Materials:
- IRP Public Advisory Meeting #1 Materials
- IRP Public Advisory Meeting #1 Summary
- IPL's Feedback Response Table from Meeting #1
- IRP Public Advisory Meeting #2 Materials
- IRP Public Advisory Meeting #2 Summary
- IPL's Feedback Response Table from Meeting #2
- IRP Acronyms
- IRP Public Advisory Meeting #3 Materials (updated 10-9-14)
- IRP Public Advisory Meeting #3 Summary
- AEG’s DSM Potential Forecast
Final Documents:
Questions: Please send your comments and questions to IPLanswers@aes.com.