Boost efficiency and save money. Get the tools and resources from AES Indiana to help you save money without capital investments

AES Indiana’s Strategic Energy Management (SEM) can help move your company’s culture toward sustainability by reducing energy costs and greenhouse emissions. Our team of experts will provide training, motivation, and engineering support for your business to succeed through a series of workshops and coaching. The team will also help you identify and implement no-cost and low-cost operational, maintenance and behavior changes designed to help reduce energy consumption.

How it works

  • Schedule an introductory call with the SEM team by emailing
  • Program assessment include an in-person site visit to the customer’s facility by one or more advisors. 
  • There is no obligation. Customer may cancel a scheduled appointment at any time for any reason. Business customers with commercial rates are eligible for this program with specialized support provided to Industrial, Commercial and Multi-family business customers.
  • Rewards participants with a $0.02/kWh incentive based on SEM energy model savings.

Who qualifies

  • SEM is available to commercial and industrial facilities including mid-size manufacturers, commercial office building, retail facilities, K-12, higher education, healthcare and multi-family residential facilities. 
  • The SEM program is design for energy manager, facility managers, plant managers, maintenance supervisors and financial personnel. 
  • Business customers with commercial rates are eligible for this program with specialized support provided to Industrial, Commercial and Multi-family business customers.

Learn more

How to sign up

  • Call us at 888-982-7071 to schedule an assessment.
IUHealth Methodist

Case study: IU Health Methodist

Read how AES Indiana’s SEM program works with IU Health to implement strategies helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Learn how AES Indiana’s Strategic Energy Management program helped Nice-Pak’s Mooresville manufacturing facility save over $77,000 in energy costs, earn over $15,000 in incentives and enhance their sustainability efforts.

AES Indiana Nice Pak Strategic Energy Management Case Study Image

Case study: Nice-Pak