How to submit proposals to AES Indiana


Proposal submission

The link below this paragraph provides access to a secure space for proposal submission. Respondents will be required to include a contact name, email address and company name. The uploaded documents will be automatically sorted by this information. Respondents may upload any number of documents but must use the exact same contact name, email address and company name for each upload. Respondents will not be able to see or edit uploaded documents once sent. Submit your proposals at this link:


Respondents may submit up to three proposals at no cost in response to this RFP. Respondents submitting more than three responses will incur a proposal evaluation fee of $5,000 for each additional proposal submitted. Please contact Sargent & Lundy at for proposal fee payment instructions.

If you experience any technical issues accessing RFP documentation or submitting documents, please contact for assistance. Respondents should not contact AES Indiana directly.

Additional resources

RFP overview

All about the 2023 BESS RFP.

Project schedule

RFP milestone dates and deadlines.


Read RFP questions and answers.